self love

Boundaries for Empaths

By |2020-09-06T12:29:35+00:00September 6th, 2020|Life & Love|

Back in the day, I had a boyfriend who would oscillate between desperately trying to please me and being intensely and acutely abusive. After seeking counselling, in a final attempt to cling to the slippery gasping fish that was our relationship, the therapist [...]

Texas Heat

By |2020-02-02T00:47:11+00:00September 26th, 2018|Life & Love, Magical Music|

Below you will find a story I wrote a few years ago. A story that resulted in one of my favourite songs. Beware... it's a story with a twist... TRAINS AND BRIDGES, BRIDGES AND TRAINS In literature, bridges are often used as symbols. [...]


By |2018-04-16T11:05:24+00:00February 2nd, 2018|Life & Love, Zone of Zen|

Someone recently told me that if we pay close attention we may notice that our lives seem to happen in cycles. In other words, we often have the same kinds of experiences, and ups and downs, at the same time every year. It [...]

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