Emily Of Eden

About Emily

Based in New Zealand, I am a songwriter, writer and a bit of an autodidact. I'm also passionate about meditation, philosophy, spirituality, culture, social issues, and learning through experience. Always keen to collaborate, and looking for musical projects as well as opportunities to write and exchange stories and wisdom with others. I'd call myself a humanist rather than just vegan, as I believe our global well-being is more important to focus on than ever before.

Boundaries for Empaths

By |2020-09-06T12:29:35+00:00September 6th, 2020|Life & Love|

Back in the day, I had a boyfriend who would oscillate between desperately trying to please me and being intensely and acutely abusive. After seeking counselling, in a final attempt to cling to the slippery gasping fish that was our relationship, the therapist [...]

Accepting Your Shadow

By |2023-11-04T19:34:20+00:00June 15th, 2019|Zone of Zen|

There is a common misapprehension about those of us on a vocally spiritual path. That is the perception that we will consistently be positive, self-aware and empathetic. Not only does this misplaced belief come from those around us, but also from our own egoic minds. People who identify as spiritual are more than likely to also identify as being consistently good, kind or pious.

Finding Hope – Part Two

By |2019-08-22T04:40:46+00:00June 9th, 2019|Life & Love|

Walking down Wellington's Willis street during lunch hour you could easily be forgiven for thinking that New Zealand has almost no ethnic diversity. It is indeed a sea of white faces. One of my American friends even went so far as to remark [...]

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